
Monday, April 13, 2015

Unique Fashion Makeup Style

Unique Fashion Makeup Style

As long as her Instagram name is  and how famous she's getting she keeping it classy. Vicki who is the runner of the Instagram page of  UniqueFashionMakeupStyle is trying to get back to her work. She's a makeup artist who used to be extremely famous. "I'm trying to get back out their. Show my work...You know...regain my glory" she said to me on the phone. Everyone is starting to see that! as her post  have gone from 0 likes to 200 likes on Instagram." It'll take awhile to regain fame but hopefully I do! I have been trying my best to show my work as a makeup artist and others. I hope everyone will help me by following me on my Instagram page UniqueFashionMakeupStyle. I choiced the name because everyone has a unique fashion taste, makeup taste and style taste. If you know it or not we all kinda have all of them in us. I am focusing on this makeup line and starting my new YouTube Vlog On May 29th. I am trying to hold my school,work and family and hopefully the vlog will show being a makeup artist and a sister,daughter isn't as easy it seems." she also told me. Follow her on Instagram now UniqueFashionMakeupStyle